Monday 15 April 2013

Home Remedies and Other Effective Molluscum Contagiosum Cure

If you seek expert help for molluscum contagiosum cure, you would be interested to know that  there are many home remedies available. However most are of limited benefit and can often involve discomfort These remedies include  salicylic acid ointment, which is available over-the-counter, application of duct tape, vinegar, or peroxide  Conventional treatment alternatives for molluscum contagiosum cure.
If you are looking for a conventional treatment of molluscum contagiosum, you might be advised numerous surgical operations. It is recommended that you choose the one that does not give you nightmares. It could be cryotherapy in which dry ice or liquid nitrogen is utilized for removing the warts. Curettage is another option and so are tape stripping, cream applications and oral medications.

Before you try a potentially disfiguring home remedy or painful procedure from your doctor, you should investigate your options carefully. A recent medical study published in a prestigious medical journal has shown that a combination of tea tree oil with organically bound iodine was effective in eliminating visible molluscum bumps in over 85% of children painlessly.

In fact, this scientifically validated formula is available commercially and you might want to evaluate this before proceeding further.